Entries by Robbie Soussan

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Unraveling the Mystery of Mulligan’s: A Peek into Leeds’ Nostalgic Past

A Song Sheet with No Clues A song sheet advertisement was donated to the museum from a firm called “Mulligan’s,” but it came with no extra information. In some cases, other memorabilia provide clues to their origins, but this advertisement was an exception. The sheet advertised a time and place and mentioned “Theatre suppers” in […]

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The best Zoo in Leeds? A Day at Wildlife World at Lotherton

If you’re looking for a family-friendly adventure filled with fascinating animals and beautiful surroundings, look no further than Leeds Wildlife World at Lotherton, top Leeds Zoo attraction. Nestled in the picturesque countryside of North East Leeds, this wildlife haven is a perfect spot for a day out with children, friends, or solo exploration. It also […]

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Boxing Belt Mystery Thickens…

Previously we wrote about a mystery boxer’s belt found in our collection with no other information associated with it. Since then, thanks to one of our volunteers, we have learned some more about the belt – and learned that there’s more we’ll possibly never know. Have we met before? Our eagle-eyed volunteer Craig spotted this […]