Leeds Industrial Museum

Museum’s old school mule is still alive and kicking

After more than a century spinning the finest Yorkshire yarns, it’s a piece of vintage textile tech which has certainly stood the test of time.
A room full of people being talked to by a woman.

Hidden Histories of Disabled Workers

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Discover the untold histories of disabled mill workers from Leeds, and why their stories are often 'hidden'.
A curator handles the Salamanca loco standing in front of an industrial painting

Last stop for Leeds antique super model as Salamanca comes home

The world’s oldest model locomotive is back home in Leeds more than two centuries after it helped spark a global railway revolution. Made in 1811 by famous engineer Matthew Murray, the precious model has arrived safely at Leeds Industrial…
A train on display in the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum

All aboard as museum goes loco for trains celebration

They were the industrious steam-powered stalwarts that put Leeds on the right track to becoming the pride of the nation’s railways. And later this month the city’s impressive collection of locomotives will once again be taking centre…