A work wear fancy dress area at Leeds Industrial Museum, with hard harts and high visibility jackets

Health and safety guidance for schools and group leaders

This guidance is designed to assist teachers and group leaders in completing their own risk assessment during a familiarisation visit to Leeds Museums & Galleries venues before a group visit.


Leeds Museums & Galleries are a group of eight historic sites, with particular associated hazards. We have minimised the risks to visitors, while taking care to have as little impact as possible on the integrity of each building and collection. Special workshops or events may have specifically identified hazards or risks. If you are involved in such an event, please speak to a member of the Learning and Access Team to discuss requirements of your group. Our full workshop risk assessments are available to view at our individual sites.

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Hazards and controls

Accidents on sites

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
Leeds Museums and Galleries carries public liability insurance as part of Leeds City Council where the council is found to be at fault.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Please ensure that your school has its own public liability insurance covering excursions. Please tell a member of Museum or Gallery staff about any incidents or accidents immediately.


Road traffic accident with vehicles on sites

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
Pedestrian crossings/paths in place where necessary. 5mph speed limit on sites.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Groups under close watch of supervising adults from school. Request for children to behave sensibly, e.g. no running and correctly using paths.


Children becoming lost or abducted

Who might be harmed?

Museum controls
Groups under supervision of designated adult from school. Directional signs are in place. All museum and gallery workers, contractors and volunteers wear identity badges and are subject to safeguarding checks, procedures and training.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
All designated supervising adults from school to check groups regularly. Headcounts/role call and a central muster point recommended.


Fire and evacuation

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
All Museum / Gallery staff are trained in emergency procedures and practice regularly. Fire exits and assembly points are clearly signposted on sites and museum and gallery staff will assist you out of the building. In case of fire, an alarm will sound. All museums and galleries have a comprehensive fire risk assessment reviewed on a regular basis and conform to the 2005 Fire regulatory reform act.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
All designated supervising adults from school to check groups regularly and have a role call to hand in case of emergency.

Toilets (slips, spillages, hygiene)

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
There are accessible public toilets at every site. Toilets are regularly checked and cleaned to ensure safety.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Check location of toilets on familiarisation visit. Visual check by supervising adult to ensure safety on the day. Report any damage to site staff. Teacher/group leader to supervise pupils in toilet areas.


Weather conditions (ice, rain, slippery surfaces)

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
There are accessible public toilets at every site. Toilets are regularly checked and cleaned to ensure safety.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Check location of toilets on familiarisation visit. Visual check by supervising adult to ensure safety on the day. Report any damage to site staff. Teacher/group leader to supervise pupils in toilet areas.


Machinery on display (Leeds Industrial Museum)

Who might be harmed?

Museum controls
Some of the machines are working. All publicly accessible working machines are enclosed with barriers.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Supervising adult to ensure there is no climbing or playing on machinery or the barriers.


Interactives and hands-on objects in the Galleries

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
Most galleries contain interactives or objects for hands-on learning. All interactives and hands-on objects are regularly checked to ensure they are ‘fit for purpose’. Some sites hold an equipment log. Ask at specific sites for details. Electronic equipment regularly Portable Appliance Tested (PAT) for safety.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Check interactives and objects on familiarisation visit. Visual check by supervising adult to ensure safety on the day. Report any damage to site staff.


Workshop equipment and objects, including play equipment

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
All equipment and objects are regularly checked to ensure they are ‘fit for purpose’. Some sites hold an equipment log. Ask at specific sites for details. Museum and gallery staff are usually present when museum objects are being handled and are in control of handling sessions. Please check with the Learning Officer on site for specific details.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Visual check by supervising school adult to ensure safety. Report any damage to site staff. Supervising school adults to listen to workshop instructions, be aware of potential dangers and inform children.

Open water (Leeds Industrial Museum)

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
All publicly accessible areas of open water are enclosed with barriers and well signposted. Life buoys or floating line throwers are provided.
Groups under supervision of designated adult from school.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
All designated supervising adults from school to check groups regularly and have a role call to hand in case of emergency.


Ingesting craft materials in workshops

Who might be harmed?

Museum controls
Most materials used are non-toxic and all sites have relevant COSHH information. All workshops are individually risk assessed, contact the site direct for specific information.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Check museum or gallery workshop risk assessments on familiarisation visit. Contact staff if there are any issues or concerns. Groups under close watch of supervising adults. Request for children to behave sensibly.


Uneven floor surfaces indoor and outdoor causing trips

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
All publicly accessible areas of sites are safe and maintained daily for visitors.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Advise groups to wear sensible shoes. Request for children to behave sensibly.


Steps (indoor and outdoor)

Who might be harmed?
Pupils and adults.

Museum controls
All publicly accessible areas of sites are safe and maintained daily for visitors. Provision of handrails.

Teacher / supervising adult controls
Groups under close watch of supervising adults. Request for children to behave sensibly, e.g. no running, climbing.



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