A photographer at Kirkstall Abbey

Filming Locations in Leeds

Leeds Museums & Galleries has some of the most unique and interesting filming locations in Leeds, from stately homes to object packed museum stores.


Our locations are available for filming for films, television, adverts, music videos, photoshoots, and other filming needs.


Explore our locations below and contact us to book our venues for filming.

Abbey House Museum

A social history museum with replica Victorian streets including houses, shops, and a pub.

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Kirkstall Abbey

A beautiful and atmospheric ruined Cistercian monastery dating from 1152.

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Leeds Art Gallery

A civic art gallery displaying fine art, from the Victorian period to contemporary art and sculpture. Also features the beautiful Tiled Hall Cafe.

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Leeds City Museum

A history museum with archaeology, Leeds social history, natural science, and world cultures displays.

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Leeds Discovery Centre

Our purpose-built collection store housing over one million objects.

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Temple Newsam

A stunning Tudor-Jacobean mansion with forty rooms and beautiful surrounding parkland designed by Capability Brown.

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